Monday, March 28, 2016

I'm getting too old for this.

Today,  I attempted to work my Amazon Mechanical Turk queue and saw:

My worker account was suspended.  So was my requester account.  So, too, was the account of Babylon by the Bay (aka 'By the Rivers of Babylon'), for which I serve as technical administrator.

  There's no evidence that this was due to my criticisms of Amazon's AMT system.  Except for the collateral damage to another requester, there's nothing to suggest that these arbitrary and capricious actions were anything out of ordinary.  Amazon Customer Service merely refers one to a forthcoming "investigation" from *cough* the same 'Amazon Mechanical Turk team' which made the initial decision.

 It's entirely possible that Amazon's Mechanical Turk team will reverse a bad decision.
(They do that, sometimes).  But  Amazon isn't in the habit of explaining itself to workers.

 Meanwhile, all the records of my worker account, and all records and prior research results from the two requester accounts, are unavailable to me.  (I've written to two of Amazon's attorneys, inviting them to ensure that their people "preserve all prospective evidence from these accounts."  Since they're lawyers -- and thereby 'officers of the court' -- they surely can't countenance the destruction of records in an ongoing controversy of AMT's own making, can they?)

 Amazon summarily removed all money earned from one worker account, and removed the "Prepaid HITs" balances from two requester accounts.   Transferring money out of my worker account every day helped mitigate damages .. but I can't quantify those damages without records I don't have access to anymore.   I haven't even taken stock of my "HITs approved" since 03/17/2016:

 The "AMT team" might, under its own steam, resolve all this in my favor -- or it might not. 

 If this can happen to me, it can happen to anyone.  This is why people should never leave any moneys on deposit with Amazon for longer than they absolutely have to.

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